
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Andrew Goldstone,

Partner, Head of Tax, Mishcon de Reya

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Tim Hyatt,

Head of Residential, Knight Frank

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Richard & Sophie Rogerson,

CEO & Managing Director, RFR Property

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Ed Mead,

Independent property advisor and commentator, Viewber

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Robin Gould,
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Sara Ransom,

Managing Director (London), Stacks Property Search

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Alexander Lewis,
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Gary Hersham,

Founding Partner, Beauchamp Estates

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Richard Rogerson,
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Mark Collins,

Executive Director, Chairman of Residential, CBRE

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Sally Fraser,

Regional Director, Stacks Property Search

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Matthew Beckett,

Writer/Editor, The Country Seat,

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