
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Carly Clayton,
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Daniel Evelyn,

Managing Director & Head of Sales at Chestertons Barbados, Chestertons

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Janet Armstrong-Fox,

Partner & Head of Private Client Property, Collyer Bristow

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Josh Ayres,

Senior Director, London New Homes, Strutt & Parker

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Lee Barfield,

Creative Director, Felix&Friends

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Nina Harrison,

London Specialist, Haringtons

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Sara Maccallum,

Senior Partner, Boodle Hatfield

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Stuart Adams,
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Andrew Sudmant & Andy Gouldson,

Contributor, PrimeResi

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Alessandro Melis,

Principal Lecturer in Sustainable Cities, University of Portsmouth

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Annie Wills,
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Charlie Woods,

Head of Lettings, Russell Simpson

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