Company Tag: Strutt & Parker

Clabon Mews, Knightsbridge £8.95m An unusually wide freehold number just off Sloane Street has had our eye this week.

Wanda One is gearing up to launch the second phase of its landmark One Nine Elms scheme in London this weekend.

One of Scotland's finest estates - a Highlands jewel valued at over £5.25m - has just been sold by Strutt & Parker.

Heaton & Partners, the top-end consultancy set up two years ago by former Property Vision man Ed Heaton, has poached a key member of Strutt & Parker's buying team.

March saw the highest number of £1m+ sales ever recorded in a single month in Scotland, according to new research into the impact of the introduction of Land and Buildings Transaction Tax.

The Conservatives will be the power party for the next five years, and they've even got a fully-fledged majority government.

Ten Trinity Square, London POA The transformation of this 1923 monolith must rank among the capital's most exciting residential schemes of recent years;

The traditional AGA-riddled country cottage or farmhouse is still the nation's home of choice, says Strutt & Parker - just as long as it's in the rural South East, just a short stroll from all the local…

On the 21st of January 2015 the Deputy First Minister confirmed to the Scottish Parliament that the tax rates on residential property had been reviewed and revised.

The expected house post-No-vote house price boom failed to materialise in Scotland, as a relentless series of policy tinkering and economic shifts ladled uncertainty on the market, said Strutt & Parker's…

Strutt & Parker may have quietly revised its 2015 PCL price forecast down from 2% to a big fat zero, but it's "pleasantly surprised" at the levels of activity going on the regions, especially given the looming…

A grand total of 693 properties were sold in prime central London during Q4 2014, according to Strutt & Parker and Lonres. That's 32.5% down on the same period in 2013.