Company Tag: Stacks Property Search

Attitudes towards new-builds are changing in London as developers continue to up their game, suggests buying agent Sara Ransom...

Pretty much everyone in the property sector wants the Chancellor to re-reform stamp duty on 22nd November - but Hammond probably won't cut it.

Buying agent Sara Ransom on the retirees trading country idylls for the stomping grounds of their youth...

Buying agent Sally Fraser offers some pointers on keeping property transactions in bed...

By starting accepting that abnormal is the new normal, says Stacks...

Buyers should have to prove they can proceed in advance, and like an auction, a winning bid should be financially binding, argues George Barkes...

Hard breakfast for Theresa May as the Conservatives lose their overall majority, flinging the country into yet more uncertainty

Stop blaming Brexit, says Stacks boss...

Factor in all the research and viewings and you're looking at an average of over 80 hours - not 27 minutes - says buying agent...

Why now could be the time to buy a buffer...

Stacks comes up with the six rules

Plans to offer financial incentives to encourage people to downsize in retirement are 'politically toxic' and 'insufficient in the face of the scale of the problem', argues Stacks' chief