Company Tag: Savills

City Living Study launched as Masterplan gears up to deliver hundreds of new homes

Lucian Cook delves into the numbers to find out what's really happening to transaction numbers

Standing room only as Savills and Allsop sales raise a combined £129m

Knight Frank man joins Savills

Beliving becomes a Savills international associate

The right price now often comes before the right location, says Savills

Global interest expected in 'extremely unusual' freehold asset on Foulis Terrace after charity decides to sell up

'Truly remarkable' Quinlan Terry mansion is one of the capital's top trophy homes

Surveying prices and pipelines in 'the next sought-after prime areas of London'

Head of Savills Exeter rejoins Jackson-Stops after 25 years

The UK's £6.8tr housing stock is now worth 3.65 times Britain's GDP, says Savills

Deal numbers falter and surveyors' exceptions pare back