Company Tag: LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

Activity levels are finally settling down across the prime postcodes, although the top-end is still going gangbusters.

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

New £5m-plus instructions in Q4 were 74% higher than the pre-pandemic average, reports LonRes

The number of Suspicious Activity Reports being filed with the National Crime Agency is on the up, says Malcolm Driscoll of FCS Compliance. 'Understanding when to file a SAR and the process itself is important.

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes