Company Tag: Enness

Mortgage broker rolls out specialist high net worth division

In a universally-expected move, the Bank of England has halved the Base Rate to an historic low of just 0.25% and renewed some quantitative easing. The BoE's interest rate had been at an already low 0.

This, if the Remain campaign bunf was actually accurate, is the end of days.

When Boris was electioneering four years ago, Londoners ranked housing as the fourth most important political issue of the day, behind jobs, crime and transport;

The Mortgage Credit Directive comes into force on March 21st. A brainchild of Brussels, the new legislation is designed to bring mortgage lending in line across the EU member states.

The three big policy announcements for the high-value property industry in today's Emergency Budget were a mixed bag.

There's a palpable sense of positivity in the high-value property industry about this week's "Blue Budget." Well, more so than usual for a Budget week.

The high net worth mortgage market can be a tricksy place, difficult to navigate and often frustrating for would-be borrowers who can clearly afford the sums, but struggle to fit into neat boxes.

The mortgage market gets a new set of rules at the end of the month: expect some teething problems and stressful work for lenders and intermediaries, says Islay Robinson, but the Mortgage Market Review also…

Large mortgage specialist Enness Private Clients has done a deal with London property agent Aston Chase.

A rowdy performance by the Commons, but George seems to have done pretty well by the prime property industry, delivering a "Budget for an Aspiration Nation" that cuts corporation tax to 20%, makes it easier…

As George Osborne limbers up for his big day, the prime property industry is agog with anticipation of what may come.