Company Tag: eMoov

Online estate agency boss pitches a plan to create 'UK Housing Plc' to 'side-step big house-builders' in an effort get more homes built

The Monetary Policy Committee has voted unanimously to raise interest rates from 0.5% to 0.75%

We've totted up how many prime properties the ten biggest non-traditional agencies are currently listing...

Online-only estate agency 'doesn't work at low volumes' says Mike DelPrete

Top YOPA man joins easyProperty as MD; easyProperty operations chief joins the newly-merged Emoov and Tepilo.

Emoov, Tepilo and Urban pool resources to leapfrog Yopa and create the UK's second biggest digital agent

Online estate agencies are in "advanced" talks, reports Sky.

'All estate agents should welcome the new Government measures to professionalise the estate agency industry'

SW11 is way ahead of any other UK postcode for the total value of property transacted so far this year...

Hybrid agency raised a bumper £9m in its latest investment round, with some well-known HNWs and family offices pitching in

Seven-year-old 'hybrid' estate agency eMoov has managed to raise a bumper £9m in its latest investment round, with some well-known HNWs and family offices pitching in. eMoov boss Russell Quirk

Ranked: The total value of domestic homes and gardens in London, borough-by-borough