Company Tag: Black Brick

More than 135,000 homes were sold without ever appearing on a property portal or being publicly advertised in 2021, according to new data, while a quarter of £1m+ sales in London were off-market deals.

‘2021 was a year when more and more people realised they needed some professional help to secure the house of their dreams’, says Black Brick

"This Budget could be regarded as a reprieve for the housing industry," says one commentator, while others bemoan an "underwhelming" speech...

Black Brick has signed up eight new clients in the last fortnight - all but one of whom are looking for apartments in London’s top postcodes: ‘It was tumbleweed for 18 months but now it is a frenzy’…

A £2m down-valuation? Don’t bet against it…

Window could last for another six to twelve months, says Mayfair agency.

Black Brick highlights dilemma facing those hoping for the ‘quality gap’ to converge.

'The market could go up a few per cent quite quickly, and a lot of good quality property has been held back from the market during lockdown', says Black Brick

Chunky period building on Westbourne Gardens houses eight apartments.

Mayfair-based buying agency Black Brick has recruited Hamish Bruce from Marsh & Parsons to lead its Managed Sales division.

Which parts of the market are looking more vulnerable to the 2% overseas surcharge? And which streets are likely to prove ‘bullet-proof’ regardless of wider economic events?

"This is a golden opportunity for our industry to gain the trust of the public,” says one top industry pundit, as estate agents and buying agents share how they have adapted to doing business by the…