Company Tag: Benham & Reeves
#Budget2016: The prime property industry reacts
"Meh" pretty much sums up a lot of reactions to Chancellor George's eighth Budget speech.
Osborne ‘has done more for the rental market than any other Chancellor in history’
According to the - pretty roasting - heat map below, virtually every borough in Zones 1 and 2 turned in a 4%+ annual increase in average rental values last year.
Benham & Reeves moves into Surrey Quays
London's biggest indie lettings agency Benham & Reeves is pressing on with its expansion plans, announcing the launch of a new branch in East London.
Agency reports surge in landlords looking to incorporate
Benham & Reeves has reported a wave of landlords approaching the firm about putting their property portfolio into a limited company in the wake of double whammy changes to mortgage relief and stamp duty.
‘Dramatic’ increase in rental values recorded across almost all London postcodes
As stamp duty reforms, tighter lenders and a rising pound put the kibosh on major growth in the sales market, rental values look to have been surging across pretty much every postcode in town.
How Boris bikes have turned resi backwaters into rental hubs
Boris Bikes have opened up chunks of London's rental hinterlands - Sand's End, Haggerston and the like - to more discerning tenants, and that's caused some spiky returns for landlords in the right areas,…
South London rents rocket
Rental values have shot up across South London over the last three months, according to Benham & Reeves, with development hotspots including Greenwich, Bermondsey and the South Bank outpacing their established…
“Busiest ever” roadshow for Benhams as SE Asian investors target London’s prime fringes
Reports from the ground suggest that South East Asia's famed appetite for investing in London's property market is showing no signs of waning.