
A rare freehold site has been put up for sale in Parsons Green with potential for a top-drawer resi scheme

The first clutch of units in Almacantar's reimagining of Centre Point have reportedly been snaffled up at asking price.

In the first quarter of 2015, there were 35% fewer transactions across PCL than there were, on average, in the last five years, notes buying agency Turnbull Property.

Top buying agent Guy Meacock has seen too many people miss out because they’ve allowed themselves to be dictated to by the market... Twenty days and counting. F

Developer Mount Anvil, which coincidentally announced huge profits yesterday, has reportedly just set a new price record for the hotly-tipped area around Silicon Roundabout, after selling a pair of ap…

Winkworth's 180th year in business is off to a good start despite "dampened" transaction levels in the capital.

Today's Sloane Ranger Handbook would be more about the Northcote Road than the Kings Road, says Douglas & Gordon, as Clapham turns in a stellar Q1 and emerging prime areas outperform traditionally prime…

The rowers and coxes are limbering up for tomorrow's BNY Mellon Boat Race and it's shaping up to be a scorcher; the only thing missing now is some topical riverside house price analysis..

Following the Labour party's surprise announcement that it would abolish the non-domiciled rules from April 2016, should it form the next Government, Amanda O’Keeffe asks whether this should be a serious wor…

Turns out it's not all about tube stops, schools and Waitroses any more; potential buyers are increasingly keen to find out about proximity to a Boris Bike docking station, according to one London agent.

A monster deal from last year has just come to light, topping the scales at £51.7m.

The prime south west London market couldn't look more different than it did a year ago, says buying agent Sara Ransom...