Buyer snaps up Grade I country mansion at knockdown price
An important country house in Berkshire has been snapped up at auction for just over £2m, a fraction of what it was asking on the open market last year.
Grand Registry: Belgravia mansion tops June’s super-prime deals
18-bed townhouse on Grosvenor Gardens was the most expensive resi sale recorded
As The Romans Did: Why have Britain’s first towns outperformed the UK average by 80%?
Originally built over 2,000 years ago, Britain's first towns have clearly still got it.
Buyers circle €300m Grand Marnier mansion in Saint Jean Cap Ferrat
Villa les Cèdres in Saint Jean Cap Ferrat has been put up for sale
The Rain in Spain: European decision bad news for holiday home owners
Owners to sacrifice the money they unfairly paid on their mortgages to bailout the country's ailing banks
Theresa May ‘likely to preside over a static London property market’
"There's one thing the Prime Minister can't control," says Stirling Ackroyd boss Andrew Bridges: "London house prices.
Chinese buyer enquiries ‘up 30-40%’ post-Brexit
No 1 Chinese property portal has also sent in some useful post-Brexit observations.
‘Busiest month yet’ for Northacre as overseas buyers eye London’s super-prime stock
Surge of enquiries in its flagship No. 1 Palace Street scheme since the Brexit vote
UK auction market takes a hammering
Data from the UK's auction houses has shown how the market retracted during the upheaval of the last few weeks.
Eaton Square development project goes crowdfunding for £1m
Renovation project on Belgravia's ultra-exclusive Eaton Square
‘Marked drop’ in homeowner sentiment post-Brexit
The first survey of household sentiment on property prices since the EU referendum is out, and it's shown the biggest month-to-month loss of momentum for seven-and-a-half years.
Rare Montrose Place instruction asks £25m
Native Land and Grosvenor's super-prime scheme in Belgravia