Buyers & tenants ‘remaining calm’ but landlords cutting rents, reports London agency
There's a lot less panic this time around, says Chestertons
Ranked: London’s ‘hottest’ £5m+ addresses in 2020
Analysis of (albeit limited) Land Registry data ranks Grosvenor Square at the most expensive address so far this year, and Chelsea Barracks as the ‘most popular’ amongst high-end buyers...
Edinburgh property prices hit a record high
“I’ve never seen anything like it," says Edward Douglas-Home, head of Scotland residential at Knight Frank.
‘Que Sera, Sera…’: The future of the property market’s not ours to see
The entire property industry held its breath when the market reopened in March, but what happened next surprised even the most seasoned of agents, writes Saul Empson...
More overseas investors happy to buy ‘sight unseen’, says PCL agency
22% of the acquisitions carried out by LCP so far this year have been ‘blind’ purchases by overseas investors, driven by ‘bottom of market pricing’.
Country house price inflation hits a four-year high, ‘driven by a race for space post-lockdown’
“Despite a challenging economic outlook, people’s desire to get on with their lives after years of political uncertainty followed by lockdown has seen the property market continue to defy gravity,"…
Watch: Top buying agents discuss what’s really happening in the PCL & country markets
Buying agents from Black Brick, Garrington and Property Vision were on hand to provide Coutts' clients with some valuable insight in recent webinar.
The ‘marching morons’ of the residential property market
Neurotic lenders are acting as a chicane on the markets, vents Trevor Abrahmsohn
Housing demand jumped by a third in September to highest level for 16 years – NAEA
The latest market intel from Propertymark tells of rising demand and the highest number of agreed sales per estate agency branch since 2006.
‘An exceptional year’: Savills’ Crispin Holborow on 2020’s ‘rural renaissance’
People are once again rediscovering just how well the English country house works for a family, says Savills’ super-prime country house specialist, as sales of top-end estates hit their highest level…
UK house prices to fall next year – JLL
Agency expects prices to dip in 2021, before rising ‘quickly and steadily’; transactions to remain well down on pre-Covid predictions
Mortgage approvals climb to highest level since 2007
The latest Bank of England figures show a continued increase in mortgage lending since the Spring Coronavirus lockdown.