Election result ‘will make no difference’ to most landlords, suggests survey
'It is unlikely that landlords will be running for the exits on Friday - no matter what happens', concludes Foxtons after quizzing over 1,000 property investors.
Three agency chiefs on what the election result could mean for the Prime London property market
'The (surely) inevitable Labour victory has already been somewhat priced into the London residential market,' says Mark Pollack, concurring with Peter Wetherell, who suggests HNW clients have treated the…
Shaun Drummond: Comparing 2019 with today, you wouldn’t even know an election was on
The palpable sense of unease that gripped London's luxury property market in the lead-up to the last election has been noticeably absent this time around, reports Harrods Estates' head of resi.
Four ways the Government promised to fix housing since 2019 and what they’ve actually done
Lecturer in Law at King's College London, Chloe Sheppick, talks us through some of the Conservative Party's attempts at housing policy over the past five years - including ambitious reforms of the leasehold…
Abrahmsohn: How a Labour government may affect the property market
The government-in-waiting has been fiendishly circumspect about CGT, IHT & a possible Mansion Tax, writes Glentree Estates boss Trevor Abrahmsohn.
Counting the real cost of Stamp Duty: The strange case of London’s vanishing mid-market
A decade on, Property Vision's Simon Connell explains how George Osborne's tax reforms have fundamentally altered the capital's property market.
‘Data contradicts political promises to boost housebuilding,’ concludes Knight Frank
A top property consultancy's research team has delved into raw planning data to assess how realistic it will be for the next government to deliver on manifesto housebuilding targets.
Only one in four voters believes ‘political parties pay a lot of attention to housing’
A big survey by Zoopla and Ipsos shines a light on what housing policies the public thinks the next government should prioritise.
Property Industry Reactions: BoE holds interest rates at 5.25% again
'No great surprise,' say property market pundits, as the Bank Rate is maintained at a 16-year high for a seventh time.
Housing manifesto head-to-head: What the major political parties are promising
Everyone wants to build more homes and roll out reforms to the planning, rental and leasehold systems.
Status Update: Where non-doms are eyeing for their next move
While the UK phases out non-dom status, more and more countries are offering attractive schemes to entice global UHNWIs, says Byron Baciocchi.
Labour Party Manifesto 2024: Key housing policies & pledges
Keir Starmer promises a 'wealth creation' drive as his party pledges planning reform, an end to the leasehold regime, and higher taxes for overseas buyers of UK property.