One in ten new homes was a former office – LGA
PDR delivering much-needed homes, say local councils, but at what cost?
Government launches review into ‘hundreds of thousands’ of unbuilt homes
Expert panel led by Sir Oliver Letwin to investigate gap between permissions and completions
‘20% of landlords plan on selling up’ over tax changes
"Those who earn their income through property will pay significantly higher tax bills" as a result of recent tax reforms, says the NLA.
New money laundering watchdog, with teeth, to launch in January
The Treasury has created a new watchdog to "tighten the UK’s defences against dirty money whilst minimising unnecessary burdens on legitimate business".
Government bans leasehold sales on ‘nearly all’ new-builds
Reforms to the leasehold system will include setting ground rents on new long leases to zero, and making it easier for leaseholders to buy-out freeholds.
Estate agents should regulated & referral fees should be disclosed – Law Society
"Up-front access to clear information will improve home-buying process", says The Law Society in its response to a consultation by the DCLG.
City Hall names & shames rental rogues on new register
An online "Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker" is now live in 10 London boroughs.
Devon town dissolves ‘ignored’ planning committee
One council has had enough of not being listened to...
Westminster investigating 1,500 properties in AirBnB crackdown
Borough launches four-strong task force after recording 126% rise in AirBnB lettings in two years
Abrahmsohn on 2018: Property, politics & more
Trevor Abrahmsohn has some early predictions on what next year might hold for the property market and life in general...
New Scottish planning bill aims to create ‘a more proactive & enabling system’
Scottish Ministers have outlined their plans to improve the planning regime
‘Large’ tax hike mooted for second home owners in the Yorkshire Dales
Council leaders propose five-year pilot scheme to fix "hollowed-out communities"