
What can unhappy neighbours do about basement developments, and what should those doing the works be concerned about?

Report accuses Britain of still 'turning a blind eye' to 'dirty money' from Putin's network

Plan to replace SDLT with CGT on all homes was due to be the centrepiece of PM May's big policy declaration last year, according to new revelations, even making it to the "last but one working draft"...

The Greater London Authority has published a 96-page dossier outlining ways to improve residential development land assembly in the capital

Three months after council launches innovative 'community contribution' scheme, new figures reveal that only 2% of high-end homeowners have actually put their hands in their pockets...

The UK's property industry has the depth of talent to turn decades of underinvestment and policy neglect around, but only if given the power to do so, says Alexander Lewis...

Not many dramatic changes in 2018's local elections

The Bill will come into law next year

Planning law experts Landmark Chambers walk us through an important judgment on viability and affordable housing in London

How homes look should be just as important as how many are delivered, say Ministers at the Design Quality Conference

Panorama flags eight resi property deals in Knightsbridge, Kensington, Marylebone & Battersea with alleged links to 'dirty money' & Ukrainian gangsters

'Ousted' councillors accuse troubled Tory-led council of more planning shenanigans