Government cracks down on ‘unfair’ rental property damage fees
Tenants Fee Bill amendments include new default fee provision, ensuring a landlord or agent can only recover reasonable incurred costs
Briefing: UK non-residents to be taxed on gains from UK land
Mishcon de Reya's Jonathan Legg discusses the implications and uncertainties of new rules on the taxation of gains from UK land for non-residents, which came into play in July
Westminster’s CIL committee hands out £5m
Council invests developers' contributions on a series of community projects, including £1m on new facilities for Paddington Recreation Ground
New Zealand bans the sale of homes to foreign buyers
'We should not be tenants in our own land', declares NZ Finance Minister
Carrington on Q2: Brexit, Purplebricks & PCL
With the arrival of Kit Malthouse as the seventeenth incumbent Minister of State for Housing since 1997, one could say that this time, at last, we have someone with real experience of local government…
Radio tycoon drops appeal for £200m Knightsbridge ‘super-penthouse’
Showdown with Westminster over the refusal of a 15,000 square foot amalgamation project at The Knightsbridge was due to kick off this week
The Green Belt ‘is being eroded at an alarming rate’ – CPRE
There has been a 62% increase in the loss of greenfield Green Belt land since 2013, says the Campaign to Protect Rural England
SDLT receipts slide 13.8% as transactions tank
Latest quarterly stamp duty stats, revealing a drop of almost a third of a billion pounds compared with the same period last year, "must represent a concerning picture for the Exchequer", says LCP
Holiday home tax loophole is ‘a scandal’, says Colliers
The current system allows many second home owners to avoid both council tax and business rates
What real impact would a public register of beneficial owners have on the UK property sector?
The new draft Bill promises more transparency in the UK property industry, but will it cause headaches for estate agents, solicitors and developers - and will it put off overseas investors?
Inheritance Tax ‘is unfit for purpose & requires urgent reform’
Just 1% of estates accounted for 40% IHT receipts in 2015-16
Explaining the new National Planning Policy Framework
Tom Stanley summarises the key points to consider