‘We wanted to see more’ Vs. ‘Thank goodness the Chancellor decided to leave the property market well alone’: Housing industry reactions to the 2023 Spring Budget
A 'missed opportunity' or is 'no action the best stance'? Here's what the property industry makes of Jeremy Hunt's latest round fiscal policy updates...
Budget 2023: Chancellor keeps hands off the housing sector
Property was largely absent from Jeremy Hunt's Spring Budget statement.
Budget 2023: What’s in store for the property sector?
Jeremy Hunt's pre-Budget talking points emphasise 'the stability that comes from being responsible'.
New crackdown on PCL’s empty homes
Westminster is rolling out a series of new measures to discourage the purchase of holiday homes or 'buy to leave’ investments.
Property market ‘stagnation is the most likely path for the next few years’, warn analysts
The Rowntree Foundation has made a series of new policy suggestions, including restricting property investment purchases in some areas.
New housing developments must deliver a ‘positive benefit to nature’ from November
New 'Biodiversity Net Gain' requirements for property developments are coming soon, to improve wildlife habitats and help slow species decline across the UK.
On Leasehold Reform: Prime resi landlords should beware the incoming white knights
As the government prepares to untangle England's ancient property laws, Simon Kerrigan explains the background to the "once-in-a-generation" reforms, and the potential implications for landlords...
Rental market is a ‘minefield’ for the government, warns estate agency
'The government needs to step away from the [private rented] sector being a political football and focus on supply and how they can create policies that will improve supply,' says Winkworth boss.
SDLT: Black and White, or (50) Shades of Grey?
Matt Spencer and Charlotte Jeanroy of Kingsley Napley explore the 'wonderfully complicated' world of Stamp Duty, highlighting a number of legitimate ways buyers can mitigate their transaction tax burden.
52,000 UK properties ‘still owned anonymously’, despite new transparency law
Around half of registrable firms have failed to comply with UK's new rules around transparency, new analysis suggests.
Abrahmsohn: Gove cuts through the jungle of leasehold interests
While the housing secretary hacks through England’s leasehold system, he should also take his reformist scalpel to the planning process, says Glentree boss Trevor Abrahmsohn
BoE raises interest rates again, to 4%: Property industry reactions
This is the tenth consecutive increase to the base rate of interest; there are now signals that we may be approaching a peak.