‘Drastic changes’ needed ‘to fix Britain’s broken housing market’ – NAEA & ARLA
"The news is bleak" says the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) and National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) as it forecasts that home ownership will fall by 7% in the coming decade…
Agency reports surge in landlords looking to incorporate
Benham & Reeves has reported a wave of landlords approaching the firm about putting their property portfolio into a limited company in the wake of double whammy changes to mortgage relief and stamp duty.
Has this man just come up with a way to ease the housing crisis?
Despite sitting on a giant war chest of institutional investment, the Build to Rent sector is finding it practically impossible to acquire suitable sites at the moment.
Developer hit with record £700k planning fine
The biggest planning fine in history has reportedly been handed down to a private developer after a six-storey block of flats went up in Hoxton without permission.
‘Shocking’ lack of knowledge about leases is a ‘ticking time bomb’
A law firm has warned of a "shocking" lack of knowledge about how leases work and the consequences of failing to extend, after carrying out a major survey of UK property owners.
Councils rally against Bishopsgate Goodsyard proposals
Tower Hamlets and Hackney have dealt Hammerson and Ballymore's controversial Bishopsgate Goodsyard scheme a hefty one-two by simultaneously rejecting the latest proposals.
London ‘at risk of being irrevocably damaged’ by raft of new towers
Historic England has decided to update its advice on the planning and design of tall buildings after of a surge of new applications in the capital.
Will Government announcement signal rush of council-owned properties for sale?
For developers, changes announced in November's Spending Review signal a huge opportunity.
Massive fall in UK ‘investor’ visa applications after threshold hike
If the government was hoping to put a stop to wealthy foreigners investing in the UK, then raising the minimum threshold on investor visas from £1m to £2m may have just done the trick.
Galliard boss: Latest SDLT rise ‘a tax on London’s housebuilding industry’
Just days after the boss of Berkeley Group warned of 'unintended consequences', the CEO of Galliard Homes - London's second biggest housebuilder - has also come out swinging against the Chancellor's…
Two new ‘garden towns’ to deliver 50,000 new homes
The government has announced two new "garden towns", which will get £1.1m in new funding to help deliver up to 50,000 new homes between them.
Holland Park basement developer hit with hefty fine
A developer has been ordered to pay £4k in fines and costs for cracking on with a basement extension after being served up with a stop notice.