Battle against mega-basements ‘has been won’ says RBKC (but not everyone agrees)
The Royal Borough has claimed it now has "the toughest basement development policy in the country" thanks to new powers that came into effect last month.
Housing & Planning Bill receives Royal Assent
The controversial Housing & Planning Bill has, after a torrid run of things with multiple defeats in the Lords, become law after receiving its Royal Assent.
Foreign firms face big reveal as Cameron announces new UK property rules
Plans to "lift the veil" on foreign firms that own and buy property in the UK are being formally announced at the big anti-corruption summit in London today.
Government looks to cut ‘three-month’ homebuying delays
The government is about to start investigating why it takes such a dreadfully long time to buy a house in England & Wales.
To Brexit or Not To Brexit: What do London’s agents think will happen?
As you may have seen over the weekend, the Chancellor has warned the UK property market could be in for a "significant shock" if Britain votes to leave the EU next month.
London’s New Face: Prime resi industry reactions to Mayor Sadiq Khan’s triumph
When Boris was electioneering four years ago, Londoners ranked housing as the fourth most important political issue of the day, behind jobs, crime and transport;
RBKC tops national planning enforcement league
Going by the number of notices served, Kensington & Chelsea has the busiest planning enforcement team in the country, according to new figures released by the Department of Communities and Local Government.
Government tax task force identifies first developers for investigation
The Government has started identifying a number of property development firms for investigation as it turns a spotlight on the use of offshore companies.
Cornish resort town votes to ban second homes
An overwhelming majority of residents of St Ives - one of Cornwall's most famous, beautiful and in-demand destinations - have voted to ban second homes in a landmark local referendum.
The New House Price Index: A Trojan Horse for Council Tax re-valuation?
A new official property price index - the House Price Index (HPI) - is due to launch next month, with a promise to end at least some of the monthly confusion over real estate value inflation/performance…
Buying In A New Era: How stamp duty is fundamentally changing the prime resi landscape
Unlike prices, transaction volumes in the UK's prime markets have not rebounded since the dark days of the Financial Crisis.
Does higher stamp duty really matter for investors in central London?
As we put a bonkers Q1 behind us, Tim Hassell considers the likely long and short term impacts of the latest SDLT hike on the UK's buy-to-let market...