The Market

London properties continued to sell well in Singapore last weekend, with the number of individual developments showcasing their investment opportunities during January hitting double digits, says Andrew…

In case you needed reminding, the trajectory of London's prime property market has resembled one of NASA's more extreme training exercises over the last few years

Fitzroy Place has proved especially popular with SE Asian buyers

Enough of the cut-throat culture - it's time for independent agents to form a coalition, says James Bailey..

Stats from Cluttons show that the number of cash buyers in prime central London dropped by a fifth last year, whilst the proportion of mortgaged buyers doubled

Britain's biggest publicly-traded residential landlord and Europe's largest pension fund asset manager have joined forces to create one of the UK's biggest residential property investment funds

Reports of particularly slim pickings in the prime country house market have been filtering in of late

More than 100 units at London development Battersea Power Station were snapped up by Singaporean property buyers and investors in just one day, in what the developer and agency said were record levels…

The ever-excellent Lonres Residential Review indulges in a spot of tealeaf reading to get a steer on what’s likely to happen in the prime property market over the coming 12 months.

No sign of a Blue Monday for buying agency Black Brick, which has reported a raft of new domestic and international client sign-ups already this month (interestingly, all owner-occupiers rather than investors)…

Hamptons International have joined the ranks of estate agents reporting a glowing start to the new year, with 6% more properties for sale at the beginning of January compared to the same time last year

Prime property prices are now 53% higher than their 2009 "post-crisis slump" level, whilst the mainstream market is struggling with the spectre of triple-dip recession, according to a neat summary of where…