The Market

London's north-south is alive and well - but not in the traditional way, according to new research by Garrington

HNWs are turning to renewable energy systems as a way of powering their country estates and their public profiles, says Oliver Crofton...

The "ripple effect" is the big story in Knight Frank's latest analysis of the London property market

The appetite for prime central London property from the world's wealthy seems insatiable, says James Bailey, and international investors - particularly from China - are getting ever-more sophisticated…

The gap between average asking prices and average prices achieved is smaller than at any time since 2007, according to new findings by Hamptons International

It's a "highly regionalised" market across the UK, according to Knight Frank's latest resi market update: average house prices across the country are 5% up on the year, with prime central London showing…

Rightmove needs to understand the trouble its stats are causing, says an incandescent Ed Mead... Anyone reading Twitter will have gathered I’m angry. 

There's "no fear of a price bubble outside London", according to Rightmove's latest House Price Index; the capital's sit rep reads rather differently, though: asking prices in outer London are double those…

Gross mortgage lending stuck at just over £16bn in September, according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders. Last month's £16.2bn wasn't far off August's £16.4b

Homeowners are more upbeat about house prices than at any time since February 2009, with pretty much everyone thinking that their property is the most valuable its ever been and that its going to get even…

Keep meddling with the property taxation system and you'll put the kibosh on the housing recovery, a new report commissioned by the Berkeley Group warns the government

One of Soho's most eagerly anticipated new resi schemes - the transformation of the former Central St Martins School of Art into The Saint Martins Lofts - has just been unveiled (although nearly half of…