The Market
How Trafalgar Square became a prime resi development hotspot
Analysing the £630m wave transforming 'one of the last overlooked and undervalued areas in the West End'
Record number of landlords buying in cash
'On average landlords sell a home once every 17 years meaning as prices have increased, a significant amount of wealth has built up in the sector'
Mapped: Airbnb landlords by London borough
Research reveals spread of active listings and average day rate
How the Brexit vote was ‘a surprise lifeline’ for PCL’s property market
Sterling's decline after the referendum result was behind a 16% jump in PCL transactions, says Carter Jonas
Carrington on Q4
Thoughts on taxation, globalisation and estate agency commission from the LonRes chief
High-end rentals soar in PCL as buyers hold fire
Number of properties let at £3k per week in Q4 was up 28% year-on-year
Build-to-rent needs a ‘turbo boost’ as supply shortage continues – RICS
Rent rises to outpace property price inflation over the next five years
UK house price growth likely to slow to 3.5% in 2017
London will pick up in the second half of the year, says Lancaster University's Housing Market Observatory
London’s prime property market rallies as deal numbers and prices rise
PCL transaction volumes bounce back a bit as half of vendors cut prices to secure a buyer
Is the UK housing market broken?
In the wake of the White Paper, Trevor Abrahmsohn offers some common sense solutions to the key issues
Are prices bottoming out in prime central London?
Annual decline now stands at -6.7%, with Hyde Park (-14%), Chelsea (-13.3%) and Kensington (-11.9%) taking the biggest hits
Build fast, dense and to rent: Government outlines a plan to ‘fix our broken housing market’
Housing White Paper targets land-banking, promises to promote SME developers, and promotes the rental way