The Market

Savills has assessed prime residential growth prospects in 30 world cities, predicting a slightly slower overall rate of capital value appreciation this year than in 2024.

'It’s clear that buyers were able to secure some great deals last year', reports Investec, as average ­reduction tops £150k.

Transactions are up but many sellers are having to rein-in price expectations.

Your essential five-minute briefing on the latest movements and commentary, featuring data and analysis from Savills, Knight Frank, Zooplankton, Rightmove, Parthenia, Benham & Reeves & more...

It feels like backs are moving closer to the wall inside Whitehall, says Knight Frank's head of UK resi research.

Latest figures show declines have ranged from -9.6% in Bayswater to -26.3% in Earls Court since the peak; market now an 'attractive value proposition', says major agency.

'Buyers have a will and a way to buy a property, but not at any cost and they remain price sensitive,' says Garrington.

Government confirms 'tweak' to the Finance Bill, but insiders warn it could be 'too little too late'.

Matthew Pennycook has signed regulations to 'remove the two-year ownership rule for leaseholders of flats to extend their lease, and leaseholders of houses to extend their lease or buy their freehold.

Suburban & inner commuter regions have shown some resilience, but prices continue to correct in second home hotspots, reports Savills.

Valuation firm collaborates with real-time data firm, LSE professor & top buying agency to track market movements since 2000, reflecting location, size & tenure.

A slow start to the year continues in prime London.