The Market
No sign of a ‘Brexodus’ in the PCL rental market – LCP
Tenants are staying in their properties for longer, and rents are on the rise, but the anticipated exodus of citizens from the EU27 following the Brexit vote has not yet materialised, reports London Central…
The world’s billionaires have seen a ‘significant decrease’ in wealth & numbers
UK billionaires' combined net worth fell by 17% in 2018, reports Wealth-X
Savills notes ‘a healthy increase in indicators which are normally a precursor to increased market activity’ in the UK
Real estate Plc says global business performance has been 'in line with expectations' at its AGM
‘Over a quarter of properties are still on the market after six months’ – Rightmove
28% of listings on Britain's biggest property portal have lingered there for more than six months; 8% have been stuck on the market for over a year...
Criminal gangs have been laundering billions through Vancouver’s runaway property market
Government of British Columbia faces calls to tighten up its laws as experts warn that at least £3bn was laundered via its real estate market last year, by some of the world's biggest underworld organisations…
London landlords made an average gross gain of nearly £250k when selling up in 2018
Landlords are holding on to rental units for an average of 9.6 years, says Hamptons
Split picture for house prices across England & Wales
Five regions now have falling prices on an annual basis, report LSL & Acadata
‘Scapegoated’ landlords could face 100% tax rate – IEA
Landlords are being unfairly blamed for the housing crisis, argues influential think tank, as it calls for a roll-back on recently-passed tax measures
Trophy homes: how the super-wealthy struggle to value their properties
Judith Evans reports for the FT on the 'global currency' of luxury homes
Ranked: Britain’s ‘fastest-moving’ locations
Zoopla has worked out which towns and regions see properties sell fastest (and slowest)
Garrington moves into Scotland
Buying agency opens an outpost in the Scottish capital
Coastal communities may have to move, warns Environment Agency in stark flood risk assessment
'In some cases, the scale of flooding or coastal change may be so significant [that it] may mean potentially moving communities out of harm’s way in the longer term'