The Market
Landlords’ average capital gain sinks again
Landlords who sold a property in 2019 typically owned it for 9.1 years and sold it for £78,100 more than they paid for it.
Record levels of offers accepted as ‘traction’ returns to the market
The number of deals struck outside London hit an all-time high earlier this month, reports Knight Frank, while the gap between asking and achieved prices is narrowing...
Academics recommend minimum tax rate for UK’s richest
UK government could raise £11bn a year by switching to a US-style system, according to new analysis out of LSE & Warwick
Pandemic pushes expats to buy homes ‘back home’
A rising number of expats are looking to move "back home" as the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic unfolds, according to a survey of prime-oriented Knight Frank brokers around the world.
One month on… ‘We are hopeful that we are witnessing a more sustained level of activity’ – Carter Jonas
Buyers are now making offers after an average of just 3.8 property viewings, reveals Carter Jonas - far quicker than the 12.8 average at this time last year.
Most surveyors believe Covid-19 will drive property demand away from urban areas, high rise blocks & communal spaces
The latest RICS survey of surveyors included a question about potential shifts in the desirability of certain features of properties over the next two years.
Rental valuations jump to a record high as the lettings market bounces back
Viewings of properties for sale are still well below the five-year average, reports Knight Frank, but both landlords and tenants are now more active than before the pandemic.
The Curate’s Egg: Why the housing market headlines are well off the mark
What is happening at ground level is far too complex to be covered in a newspaper by-line, writes Saul Empson
Back to work: How the London property market is really faring
While a move to the country may the be trend du jour, the bright lights of the capital will be turned back on in time, says Guy Meacock
Surveyors ‘remain cautious’ despite pick-up in market activity
New buyer enquiries, newly agreed sales, and new instructions have recovered since the lockdown, but surveyor sentiment is still not buoyant.
What buyers want now: Top town & country buying agents compare notes on post-lockdown demand trends
Two top buying agents - one focused on prime London, and one on prime country houses - reveal what is on their clients' most-wanted lists.