The Market
Prime London ‘shakes off’ initial lockdown impact
'The decline in sales volumes has bottomed out and it appears the same thing is happening with prices', reports Knight Frank
Market Snapshot: Top-end sales trends in England & Wales
Fine & Country and Dataloft have analysed what's happening at the top of the property market, number-crunching movements in the top 5% of sales.
Buying agents on the hunt for over £1.2bn worth of property as purchasers get serious
Revealing data from B2B platform LonRes 'demonstrates the increasing volume of serious purchasers looking to buy now'
Stamp Duty holiday to come in straight away, claim reports
"Mr Sunak has been forced to bring forward the [Stamp Duty holiday] because of fears the housing market would freeze while buyers waited for it to come in the autumn", reports The Sun.
Forget the gloomy market data – it’s a bunfight in some parts of London…
The headline figures may show prices falling, but the reality is that buyers in many prime areas are facing stiff competition for anything decent, warns Black Brick
Ranked: England’s fastest & slowest-moving post-lockdown markets
"I can’t see there being a mass exodus from the capital but it does look set to be much more challenging for sellers of more expensive properties in zone 1 and parts of zone 2 who are looking to sell…
New British sanctions regime clamps down on ‘blood money’ property acquisitions
"Those with blood on their hands, the thugs and despots, the henchmen and dictators, will not be free to waltz into this country to buy up property on the King’s Road," declares Foreign Secretary Dominic…
Rents tumble in London as landlords fear Covid-19 ‘second wave’
Landlords have been cutting asking prices to avoid being left with an empty property on their hands if lockdown restrictions are tightened again, reports Chestertons
Treasury floats SDLT holiday as part of Coronavirus recovery measures
Rumours are circulating of a Stamp Duty holiday up to £500k.
Buy, Hold & Sell: How expensive are London’s property taxes on the world stage?
New research reveals the associated costs of buying, holding and then selling a property around the globe...
£5m+ country houses out-performed the rest of the market in Q2, as prime buyers start moving
“People are sensing an opportunity now" in the prime country house market, says Knight Frank's Edward Rook.
Half of homeowners have ‘reordered their priorities’; one in seven have cancelled plans to move home in the next year
A survey by Zoopla has revealed that one in seven (14%) of those who were planning to move home before the pandemic hit have cancelled or paused those plans for more than a year.