The Market
‘Majority of landlords undeterred’ by higher Stamp Duty, claims London agency
An extra 2% on the SDLT surcharge for additional homes is "a slightly bitter but manageable pill to swallow," says Benham and Reeves boss Marc von Grundherr.
Why the US election could ‘open the flood-gates’ for international real estate investment
'This coming US election will be more than just a decision on leadership - it could signal a new phase of high demand for international real estate,' says Parisian buying agent Susie Hollands.
Charles Curran: ‘It is still business as usual’ in PCL despite the Budget’s ‘selection of crackers taxes’
Last week's Labour Budget was 'driven by ideology, penalising those they simply did not need to tax or tax further,' argues top-end estate agency boss Charles Curran.
‘Q4 may well be the most active period of this fascinating year’: Buy-side Budget reflections
Richard & Sophie Rogerson consider the implications for prime resi markets following last week's fiscal reset.
Monday Market Review: Key figures & findings from the last seven days
Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from Savills, Knight Frank, Property Vision, the OBR, Nationwide, UK Sotheby's International Realty…
Global luxury property markets ‘shift into lower gear’
Knight Frank's Prime Global Cities Index is running far below its 10-year average growth rate.
Assessing the value & premium of luxury branded residences
Four decades after the branded residences model emerged, pioneered by Four Seasons, this niche financial strategy has evolved into a diverse & thriving sector of the global real estate market, explains…
OBR Analysis: Budget announcements mean more non-doms will leave the UK
A quarter of non-doms with on-shore trusts are likely to migrate out of Britain, suggest experts, plus 12% of non-doms without trusts.
Second-home buyers race to beat SDLT deadline
UPDATED: Agencies finalise series of 'rapid' high-end sales in Prime Central London following surprise tax hike announced in the Autumn Budget.
Required Reading: The Autumn Budget 2024 for HNWIs & business owners
Mishcon de Reya's legal & tax experts talk us through the key points & policies announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves - including significant changes to Stamp Duty & Inheritance Tax.
OBR upgrades house price forecasts following Budget
Average property values are expected to rise by 15% by end of 2030.
Tom Bill: What does the Budget mean for the UK residential property market?
Knight Frank's head of UK resi research summarises the key takeaways from Rachel Reeves' big speech & looks at the likely impacts on the real estate sector.