Albert Hill of The Modern House on Classicism, algorithms and the ‘flight to quality’
Whilst some are loudly weeping over the wayward actions of our politicians, others are quietly getting on and acquiring great houses, notes Albert Hill in his round-up of Spring market and design trends…
No sign of a ‘Brexodus’ in the PCL rental market – LCP
Tenants are staying in their properties for longer, and rents are on the rise, but the anticipated exodus of citizens from the EU27 following the Brexit vote has not yet materialised, reports London Central…
London landlords made an average gross gain of nearly £250k when selling up in 2018
Landlords are holding on to rental units for an average of 9.6 years, says Hamptons
‘Scapegoated’ landlords could face 100% tax rate – IEA
Landlords are being unfairly blamed for the housing crisis, argues influential think tank, as it calls for a roll-back on recently-passed tax measures
Volumes slide further in Prime London’s lettings market as tenants stay for longer
New lets were down by 14% across the prime postcodes in the first three months of the years, reports LonRes, but tenants are choosing to remain in their current properties rather than exiting the market...
New instructions are still falling, but vendors are pricing more realistically
'Although there are signs of greater realism on pricing from vendors, there is little conviction ...
Carrington on Q1: Sliding stamp duty receipts and a Brexit fiasco
SDLT was brought in to cool the market, but this one size-fits-all approach has neither worked for the London market nor the Treasury, says LonRes Chairman William Carrington
How to prevent a basement dig from sinking a rental investment
James Robinson explains how he is advising an increasing number of PCL landlord clients dealing with noisy construction works, and looks at the questions raised in regard to disclosure...
Marriott rolls out a global ‘luxury home rental initiative’
Hotel group Marriott is taking on Airbnb in the holiday lettings arena, launching a new top-end home rental platform in the United States, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America
PCL landlords return after striking out on the sales market
While new listings were still down by 6.3% in the year to March, it was the smallest decline in over 18 months
Mapped: Prime London price & rental growth
Here's how the capital's prime neighbourhoods have performed over the last three months
London Mayor calls for mandatory register to enforce short-term letting rules
Central London councils and the Mayor are looking to quell the growth of Airbnb-style short-let properties in the capital, by imposing a new 'mandatory registration system for anyone wishing to rent out…