Traditional seasonal trends return to the rental market as ‘landlords remain confident in London’s unfailing appeal’
Tenant demand has fallen sharply in the last month, prompting Foxtons to herald 'a shift towards a more balanced market' in the capital.
Supply levels recovering in prime London’s lettings market
The number of properties available to let is up by over 60% compared to a year ago, but levels are still around 40% below where they were in 2019.
Global residential rents tick higher but affordability begins to bite
Slower growth in top-tier rental markets such as New York and Singapore 'points to the likely direction of travel for big city markets,' says Knight Frank.
Prime London Property Market Snapshot: Week 45, 2023
47% fewer property sales were agreed in prime London last week compared to the same week last year, according to the latest LonRes/PrimeResi market data.
London tenants move on to find better rental deals as supply improves
'Landlords are increasingly having to reduce their rental expectations in order to secure a tenant,' says Chestertons.
Monday Market Review: Key figures & findings from the last seven days
Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from the RICS, Savills, JLL, Halifax, Foxtons, Knight Frank & more...
Buy-to-let purchases drop as landlords ‘hibernate’
Investors are buying fewer rental properties than at any time since 2010, according to fresh Hamptons data.
Property market turns ‘slightly less downbeat’ – RICS
The pace of house price declines 'has levelled-off in recent weeks', reports the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
Prime London rental growth returns to single digits as market ‘re-balances’
There was no monthly change to average rents in either PCL or POL in October, the first time they have been flat since April 2021.
Prime London Property Market Snapshot: Week 44, 2023
There's been an upturn in new sales and rental deals across prime London in the last week, although activity remains below previous years' levels.
Monday Market Review: Key figures & findings from the last seven days
Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from JLL, Knight Frank, HMRC, Zoopla, LonRes & more...
Prime London Property Market Snapshot: Week 43, 2023
Negative numbers abound in our latest weekly sit rep for the prime London property market.