PCL agency reports rise in sub-letting scams
A Knightsbridge firm has warned of a spike in sub-letting "scams" after being approached by a number of hacked-off landlords.
Criterion debuts ‘London’s most luxurious student digs’
A batch of newly-refurbished apartments in Mayfair have been launched as "London's ultimate student pads", with prices going all the way up to £21,000 per month.
Record numbers of landlords raise rents on renewal
45% of tenants who renewed their contracts in August were hit with a rent hike, says Countrywide, with an average increase of 2.5%.
Digs Spenders: London’s £600m foreign student lettings market now a ‘key driver’
The 107,000 international students currently studying in London contribute a whopping £600m in rental income to the capital's lettings market, with some spending up to £1,500 a week on swanky digs…
Lurot Brand opens up in Notting Hill
Sales and lettings agency Lurot Brand has added to its central London network with a shiny new shop front in W11.
Prime central London rental growth slows as stock levels stay up
Rental value growth in prime central London has dropped to its lowest quarterly level since April 2014, says Knight Frank, as demand dropped in August but supply levels stayed high.
Carter Jonas launches York lettings team
Carter Jonas has decided to add a lettings offering to its York operation after seeing the city's rental market rocket.
‘95% of buyers would pay 25% more to live near a school’
95% of buyers and 81% of renters would pay up to 25% more to live in close proximity to a school, says online estate agency Urban.co.uk.
Tenants’ Super-Prime: A field guide to London’s UHNW rental tribes
Mayfair is "the ultimate destination for high net worth renters," says Tunstall Property, "followed by Knightsbridge and Belgravia respectively." Marylebone, however, comes out on top for rental investments.
Trading Places: UK landlords holding onto properties for 5 years longer post-recession
On average, UK landlords currently trade their properties every 17 years, compared to every 14 years for homeowners, according to some interesting new findings from the country's biggest estate agency.
‘Summer boom’ for Mayfair lettings as viewings jump by a fifth
The number of viewings for rental properties in Mayfair has surged by 20% in the last three months, while the number of new prospective tenants has jumped by 25%, reports central London lettings agency E…
JLL launches Nine Elms resi office
JLL has opened its eighth resi office in the capital, right in the Nine Elms mixer.