Will leaving the EU cut regulation for landlords?
Cutting ties with Europe represents a huge shift for the Private Rented Sector
Prime rents dip in the Home Counties as stock levels rise
Prime rents across the Home Counties are now 0.8% lower than they were a year ago, after dropping by 0.
Cooling measures spread as global prime property price growth escalates
Vancouver is the latest global real estate hotspot looking to curb property price inflation (following the lead of Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney and more), bringing in a really quite chunky 15% levy…
Carrington on Q2: When you are presented with figures such as these over a relatively short period, then something is wrong
LonRes Chairman reviews the London market in Q2
Let The Games Begin: Short-term accommodation and the law
In the UK, the short-letting business really came to the fore with the London Olympics
Three reasons why UK house prices have become detached from earnings
As we learned this week, home ownership is tumbling across the UK - the last Conservative regime has a lot to answer for, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...
Q2 Review: Prime London’s rental market recovers from the post-referendum dip
The prime London rental market has not escaped the uncertainty which has gripped the UK economy and housing market in recent months, says LonRes in its comprehensive review of the last three months.
New PCL rental supply jumped by 49% in Q2 – Knight Frank
There's lots happening in prime central London's rental property arena, says Knight Frank: newly-agreed tenancies are on the up, viewing numbers are soaring and supply levels are leaping, but both rental…
PCL’s domestic buyers rallied in referendum run-up as overall deal numbers tumbled
As overall deal numbers tumbled, there was "a significant increase" in the number of domestic buyers of second-hand in prime central London during Q2, reports Strutt & Parker, as just shy of 33% of residential…
Where in the UK has the level of home ownership dropped the most?
There rise of renting at the expense of home ownership in London is pretty well documented, but a new report indicates that it's not just a problem for the capital...
Sales volumes to stay suppressed for the rest of the year – LSL
LSL Property Services, which owns a whole bunch of UK estate agencies and surveyors, has reported some strong H1 results but reiterated that market conditions are unlikely to improve enough for it to hit…
Landlording It: Why the central London rental sector is set to explode
Whichever way you look at London’s housing market, one thing is certain: we are facing an explosion in the central London rental sector that will come as a windfall for landlords, says Tim Hassell...