2017 Predictions: Where next for London’s prime resi developers?
"Developers need to be nimble and turn the difficult market to their advantage," advises Arcadis in its latest report, adding (rather ominously): "...
TONIGHT: The ERC’s ‘Boom or Bust’ debate on the future of UK property prices
The fourth annual Economics Research Council debate on the future of residential property prices in the UK is being held tonight at the Royal Geographical Society in London.
Currency ‘advantage’ creates prime opportunity for foreign investors
Brexit-fuelled currency fluctuations have given international investors an opportunity to make a "significant profit" by selling off their prime resi assets in the UK, according to new research.
Treasury claims Brexit ‘shock’ would drive Britain into recession
With a month to go until polling day, the Treasury has kicked the EU Referendum debate up a notch, basically predicting that we're all economically doomed if the vote goes "Out".
EU Referen-doom: Is Osborne right on Brexit and Property?
With the Chancellor warning of a significant 'hit' facing the housing market if Britain votes to up sticks next month, Naomi Heaton asks just how likely this is...
Brexit could hold back house prices by ‘up to 18%’ – Osborne
An 'Out' vote on the 23rd June would be "a lose-lose situation" and could mean house prices are up to 18% lower in 2018 than in a 'Remain' scenario, warned Chancellor George Osborne at the weekend.
The New House Price Index: A Trojan Horse for Council Tax re-valuation?
A new official property price index - the House Price Index (HPI) - is due to launch next month, with a promise to end at least some of the monthly confusion over real estate value inflation/performance…
Referendumbed Down: What would a Brexit mean for the prime resi sector?
It’s a rare event that commands such raging ambivalence.
BREXITWATCH: Four thoughts on the EU Referendum and its impact on the prime resi sector
Four of prime London's most informed pundits weigh in on the European question, delivering what looks to be a pretty representative cross section of opinions from the top-end of the residential property…
‘Definitive’ single UK House Price Index to launch in June
Details of the new single UK House Price Index (UK HPI) - an official amalgam of the ONS and Land Registry, due to launch properly in June - have been released, including a handy comparison of how historic…
Russians halve overseas property spend
The volume of real estate purchases by Russians has halved in the space of a year, according to the Central Bank of Russia (CBR).
Iranian buyers gear up for £6bn overseas property spending spree
London, Dubai, Switzerland, Germany and the South of France could be in line for a £6 billion wave of investment from UHNW Iranian property buyers over the next 5-10 years, according to new predictions.