
Local twentysomethings emerge as the big-spenders at £400m scheme off Upper Street

JV commits to delivering five major schemes in the UK's second city, starting off with the Claridge-designed reworking of a former timber yard and joinery factory

Developer debuts 29 new units at Kohn Pedersen Fox's Floral Court, with BradyWilliams on interiors

80% of units already shifted at the MAKE-designed Atlas Building on City Road, as construction reaches its final stages

1-9 Seymour Street has delivered 24 luxury apartments alongside office and community space, on the site of the old Marylebone Police Station

Broadcaster ditches plans to move back to its riverside base after a mixed-use redevelopment programme; instead puts entire site up for sale

RBS is selling a six acre development site next-door to New Town, with the potential to create "a striking new neighbourhood" in the heart of the Scottish capital

Here's a pretty impressive time-lapse showing one of the last remaining major waterfront development sites on Manhattan's Upper West Side being transformed into a "best in class" luxury resi scheme

Newly-launched investment firm teams up with Rockwell to buy prime waterfront building with potential

The Dundonald Links has planning in place for 45 new detached homes next to the seaside course, plus a spectacular new clubhouse and lodges

Countryside and L&Q win approval for their 3,000-home Beam Park regeneration project

30-storey development promised to deliver a 749-room hotel plus 340 serviced apartments and 46 new homes