
'The quality and cost of housing is one of the biggest issues facing the country,' says CMA boss.

There's 'a wide discretion when showing compliance with the usual legal formalities relating to the transfer of beneficial interests in property', say lawyers Emma Preece & Laura Bushaway, following a…

Matt Spencer and Charlotte Jeanroy of Kingsley Napley explore the 'wonderfully complicated' world of Stamp Duty, highlighting a number of legitimate ways buyers can mitigate their transaction tax burden

A recent service update on processing times revealed that the Land Reg receives around 2.3 million applications and requests per month.

Around half of registrable firms have failed to comply with UK's new rules around transparency, new analysis suggests.

What are the implications for owners, developers and architects as Neo Bankside residents win their long-running legal battle against the famous London gallery?

Housing Secretary warns of 'significant consequences' for housebuilders that fail to comply.

Housing secretary Michael Gove is bringing forward plans to reform England's "outdated" leasehold system

As the number of legal cases involving Japanese knotweed continue to rise, Rachel Redwood explains how a vendor in SW London has ended up facing a bill of £200k, and what buyers and sellers need to kn…

New rules are 'already having a major impact on UK real estate transactions and any overseas entities that own affected UK real estate and have not yet registered their beneficial owners at Companies …

2023 will see some major - and long-awaited - changes to the legislative landscape. Two lawyers look ahead to some key reforms that are likely to affect the residential property sector...