Foxtons could face multi-million pound payout over ‘hidden commissions’
A law firm has announced that it is bringing a group claim against Foxtons on behalf of landlords, in a legal case which could see the London estate agent facing a multi-million pound payout.
Government issues competition law warning to estate and lettings agents
The Competition and Markets Authority has been firing out warning letters to firms it suspects being mixed up in anti-competitive agreements to restrict the advertising of fees.
Required Reading: What happens when co-owners can’t agree on a property’s future?
You may have heard the lease of the building housing Scott's Restaurant in Mayfair was up for grabs a few weeks back, but despite plenty of interest from some big property investors, various reports…
Required Reading: What happens when an overseas property investment goes wrong?
Before even thinking about the right type of property, overseas investors should spend time finding the right advisors, says professional negligence specialist Elaine Bathers...
Speed Dealing: How to transact in the tightest of time frames
With the pre-election stand-off morphing into a post-election face-off, those buyers who are able to move quickly will typically be the ones snaffling up all the best instructions.
Block, Stock & Quarrel: What happens when tenants fall out?
It is not uncommon for apartment blocks to be owned by the tenants living there, but what happens when they fundamentally disagree on how the building is being run?
KWM boosts high-end real estate team with yet more Eversheds talent
Law firm King & Wood Mallesons has hired a raft of new partners as it continues to develop its high-end real estate capability in London.
Wills & Estimates: Passing prime property onto the next generation
In the wake of a high-profile legal battle over an £800k flat in Battersea, Clare Mackay talks us through the issues surrounding the passing of prime property onto the next generation...
Veyo to Go: New conveyancing portal races out of the traps
It sounds like pretty much half the conveyancing firms in the country are already sold on the Law Society’s new portal, Veyo.
When Accidents Happen: Preventing and resolving damage to valuable fixtures and fittings
Ugly disputes can often arise when a contractor causes damage to valuable fixtures and fittings during a high-end renovation project.
Required Reading: Capital Gains Tax FAQ
The Government has issued a firm nudge to remind everyone that, from 6th April 2015, individuals, trustees, and certain companies who are not resident in the UK and sell a UK residential property need…
RBKC builds planning enforcement team for developer crackdown
The Royal Borough has warned property developers that they "are being closely scrutinised," after it recruited a third more planning enforcement officers to crack down on errant works.