Belgravia mansion features in $1bn fraud case
Townhouse on Lygon Place listed amongst $1bn-worth of trophy assets the Feds are looking to "recover" in a case involving a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund
OnTheMarket’s ‘one other portal’ rule gears up for legal challenge and 18-branch estate agency Gascoigne Halman are readying themselves for a landmark legal battle
End London’s ‘welcome mat’ for money launderers says Committee
The Home Affairs Committee has published its long-awaited report into money laundering today, in which it fingers the London property investment market for "making a safe haven for laundering the…
‘Sigh of relief’ after Supreme Court ruling on landlord’s duty
Court of Appeal's judgment left buy-to-let and other intermediate landlords facing the risk of potential claims for personal injury or other damages
Developer given two years to rebuild pub ‘brick by brick’
A resi developer in north London has been given two years to rebuild a pub it demolished to make way for a new apartment scheme.
Howard Kennedy hires top super-prime construction lawyer
One of the best-known construction lawyers on the super-prime scene
Simmons & Simmons grows international projects team
Top law firm Simmons & Simmons has hired four new partners in the last month alone, as it continues to grow its projects team.
Simon Moore is the latest recruit;
Title Fights: Understanding squatters’ rights (or wrongs)
A recent case involving squatters' rights has cut right to the heart of the historic basis of land ownership, exposing the lack of clarity around this area of law.
Winckworth Sherwood hires Mount Anvil man
Law firm Winckworth Sherwood has boosted its Real Estate team with the hire of Alan Duncan as partner from resi developer Mount Anvil.
LonRes launches agent-to-agent anti-money laundering service
INTERVIEW: LonRes' Anthony Payne gives PrimeResi the lowdown on brand new agent-to-agent anti-money laundering compliance service, ResCheck...
Curve Appeal: The scandal of relativity and leasehold valuation
It's been called the property industry's LIBOR scandal, and could be skewing the property market to the tune of billions of pounds each year.
Getting Over The Line: What happens when a buyer refuses to pay up?
You’ve secured the buyer and matters have proceeded to solicitors. Contracts are exchanged and you breathe a sigh of relief believing that the sale is now confirmed.