Twice as many landlords plan to sell a property in the next five years as sold an asset in the last five years
"More landlords have decided to leave having grown tired of dealing with tenants than they have because of various government tax changes," says investment firm Sequre.
Build to Rent ‘is gaining momentum’ with £1.5bn transacted in 2021 so far
“Positive activity has continued into the BtR sector," says CBRE. "letting activity has picked up and sentiment is strong."
LendInvest to float
Christian Faes' property finance platform had planned an IPO for 2019, but postponed the move. It now hopes to raise £40m by listing on the London's AIM stock exchange.
Investors pick up Mayfair hotel & apartment block
Bain and Orka have acquired the 72-room Park Lane Mews Hotel and 17 adjacent residential units on Stanhope Row, just behind the Park Lane Hilton.
‘Incredibly rare’ trophy asset comes to market in Kensington for £50 million
“It is incredibly rare for an unbroken freehold block of this scale and stature to become available in such a prime location," says Knight Frank of Allen House, which offers the prospect of a significant…
Zoopla-founder Chesterman backs decorating start-up
Online retailer Lick has caused a stir in the DIY interiors space since it launched last year.
TfL looks to housing to fill funding gap
Transport for London is setting up a "dedicated commercial property company" to come up with a plan for housing developments at its sites, as the organisation looks to generate up to £1 billion in additional…
Korean insurer picks up 25% stake in Savills’ investment business
Savills IM & Samsung Life announce ‘transformational alliance’
The investment case for global property: What ‘the next generation’ wants
Flora Harley explains how preferences are shifting amongst younger ultra-high-net-worth individuals around the world...
Five years on: How 2016’s tax changes have shrunk the buy-to-let market
“The tax changes introduced from 2016 onwards have undoubtedly taken the heat out of the buy-to-let market," argues Hamptons' research chief Aneisha Beveridge.
On the rise of holiday home investments & staycations
Demand for holiday homes in the UK has surged in recent months - but should property owners look at tapping into the trend, asks Matt Stevenson of Arbuthnot Latham...
Why private wealth should take a fresh look at commercial property
Many investors are switching from buy-to-let into commercial, says James Horgan, as he runs us through the key drivers behind the shift - and the kind of opportunities that lie in store on the other side...