New York takes London’s financial crown
17% fewer senior finance professionals view London as the world's top financial centre in 2019 compared to 2018, according to Duff & Phelps's annual count
NCA slaps Unexplained Wealth Orders on three prime London properties worth £80m
Investigators are looking into how the acquisitions of three high-value homes were funded, suspecting a link to a politically exposed person believed to be involved in serious crime
Prime Investors Capital seeks funding advice for Admiralty Arch
Reports suggest that JLL has been brought in to advise on finance for the landmark hotel and residential development.
WMG secures £16.5m for 39-unit Aldgate development
Private investment office WMG has picked Malaysian developer CBG to bring forward a 17-storey resi-led scheme in Aldgate, and secured a £16.5m loan from Oaknorth
London’s ‘unfair’ Council Tax system should be abolished – IPPR
'Council tax should be abolished and replaced with a property tax which is proportional to the present-day value of homes', suggests think tank
Select Committee flags five money laundering loopholes
160 properties worth over £4bn have been 'identified as being purchased by high corruption-risk individuals', reports the Joint Committee on the Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill
Heronslea crowdfunds £8.1m for luxury Hertfordshire scheme
The ten-unit development in Radlett means that finance platform CapitalRise has lent against over £300m-worth of prime property since 2016
Stop tinkering with property taxes, urge advisors in SDLT consultation
The Government's proposed foreign-buyer tax 'will have an impact beyond its intended target of foreign investors', warn experts
Buy-to-let mortgages tumble as landlords reel from government ‘onslaught’
UK Finance reports new mortgages to BTL landlords falling to just 5,000 in March, down 9.1 % on the same period last year
New finance platform aims to deploy ‘in excess of £125m’ to SME resi developers in the next 12 months
Hilltop Credit Partners is being backed by Round Hill Capital, and has secured finance from Oaknorth Bank
The average inheritance tax bill has climbed to nearly £200k
IHT is a 'deeply unpopular and fiendishly complicated tax', declares NFU Mutual
CapitalRise secures £30m institutional funding line
Top-end property finance platform gets significant backing from a major bank