Trevor Abrahmsohn blames planners and lenders for economic woes
Better planning procedures and more lending to housebuilders can fix the foundations of Britain's economy, says Trevor Abrahmsohn.
Cordea Savills raises £25m for prime resi developments
Property fund managers Cordea Savills have announced the first close of their Prime London Residential Development Fund, after a major global private bank provided £25 million of initial equity.
The rich are getting poorer
The total wealth of the world's wealthiest fell by 1.7 per cent in 2011 - the first drop since 2008 - whilst the total number of HNWs (individuals with over $1m investable) rose by 0.
PCL properties could “run out” in 15 years
The number of prime central London (PCL) properties changing hands has dropped by nearly 60 per cent over the last 12 years, prompting London Central Portfolio (LCP) to claim that stock could "dry up"…
Changes to Scottish stamp duty proposed
The Scottish government has announced plans to replace SDLT with a new progressive system that would see buyers of higher-value properties paying a significantly higher tax rate.
‘Government has listened to property industry’s fears’; PwC
PwC and Deloitte have commented on the government's current consultation on a new annual charge on prime resi properties owned by ‘non-natural’ persons, and a proposed extension of capital gains tax.