Dragonfly passes the £500m loan mark
Dragonfly Property Finance, the short-term lender, has boasted that it has now lent over £500m through 900 deals since launch in 2009; the firm is eying-up the £1bn mark over the next 12-18 months.
Regional yields drawing Far Eastern investment
London is no longer the first choice for Far Eastern property investors, according to buy-to-let specialists Assetz.
Miliband moots a mansion tax to “put right a mistake made by Gordon Brown”
Ed Miliband has opened up the mansion tax debate all over again.
Future Capital Partners launches prime resi EIS offering
Future Capital Partners, the £7 billion alternative investment firm, has kicked off its latest Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) offering - RRC Planning Services PLC (RRC) - with a focus on"growth sectors"…
What have tax changes done to the prime property market?
Deloitte Real Estate's Matthew Lodge assesses the market's reaction to tax charges on high-value residential property.
On 31 January draft Capital Gains Tax (CGT) legislation was published.
The return of the mansion tax: Lib Dems vow to put “payslips before palaces”
The Lib Dems have re-awoken the mansion tax debate all over again, despite the Tories categorically stating that "We won't introduce a new tax on property" in last year's Autumn Statement.
KFH bolsters Land and New Homes division
Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward has gone big on its Land and New Homes division, adding another dedicated branch to its existing Hammersmith operation to cater for the South East London market.
Native Land and Grosvenor bag £49m refinancing for NEO Bankside
Native Land and Grosvenor have secured a two-year £49 million debt facility from Lloyds to refinance their Tate Modern-side joint-venture development NEO Bankside.
A third of financial advisors expect resi investments to rise this year
Over a third of British financial advisors expect investor interest to turn to residential property over commercial options this year, according to research by investment house Castle Trust.
New Chairman for Enness Private Clients
John Elkington has joined HNW mortgage specialist Enness Private Clients as Non-Executive Chairman.
Singapore’s latest measures good for UK developers
London properties continued to sell well in Singapore last weekend, with the number of individual developments showcasing their investment opportunities during January hitting double digits, says Andrew…
Dragonfly recruits former Savills Private Clients Director
Maria Magnussen, a former Private Clients Director at Savills, has joined bridging loan specialist Dragonfly Property Finance as Senior Business Development Manager.